Thursday, July 19, 2012


From: News Center Publications
Subject: July Caribbean Memo-2012

Dear Friends,

A long-time ago, a Latin American leader, Victor Raul de la Torre of Lima, Peru, said Brussels--the capital of Belgium--was a favorite gathering place for him and others like him to discuss politics.

Here is at least one reason to suggest why his point should be considered.

It was found on the edge of town near TRAM number 94's last stop, a part of the city's huge transportation system.

Within sight and a short walking distance from the stop is a huge pink marble statue of Jose de San Martin, a soldier and stateman who helped lead revolutions against Spain's rule in Argentina in 1812, Chile in 1818 and Peru in 1821.

The secret, if there is one, may be found in writing on the statue itself:

He lived in Brussels seven years because of "hospitality given him in Brussels between 1824 and ending in 1931."

Argentina, his home-country, officially recognized their gratitude with the statue in June of 1998, one hundred years after Spain's rule ended in the hemisphere in 1898.

We write about this subject because of our interest in Latin America and the Caribbean. Five historical-political novels have been written about Chile, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Panama and Puerto Rico.

And a sixth one about Islam, called 'AL-MAGHRED, The Barbary Lion,' is finished and will be available shortly.

All five novels can be found quickly. Click News Center Publications after reaching the Web address '' Once there click:

This Caribbean Memo and a Memo collection can also be found on the same site by clicking Caribbean Memo.

With each purchase, let us know and we'll send free of charge an e-book version. They can be read on any hand-held device with e-mail capability.

Remember, we are interested in your comments, pro and con. In other words, that's how we learn.

And please let us know if you want your name taken off the Caribbean Memo list.

The Editors