Saturday, September 21, 2013


September Caribbean Memo 2013

Date: 01-September-2013

From: News Center Publications

Dear Friends:

General Augusto Pinochet changed Chile 40 years ago this month.

By that we mean, he ended an attempt led by Fidel Castro to turn Chile into a second Cuba.

After doing so, Pinochet opened the way for a democratically elected government. And as a result, this South American country became one of the most prosperous in the region.

And interestingly enough, his achievement to this day is criticized by the political left.

Our Novel, “Chile-New York: The Eleventh of September,’’ tells the story.

In an attempt to find out what happened and then report on it, we spent three months there to examine both sides of the argument.

We say these things because we're interested in telling a story about the world centered on the Caribbean and Latin America.

And we think we've done that in six historical-political novels. They can be viewed on our WebSite:

A Caribbean Memo collection can also be viewed on the Website by clicking ‘Memo’.

Remember, we are interested in your comments, pro and con. In other words, that's how we learn.

And please let us know if you want your name taken off the Caribbean Memo list.

The Editors