Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Date: 01-October-2012
From: News Center Publications
Subject: October Caribbean Memo-2012

Dear Friends,

Cuba’s Communist Party newspaper Granma has just announced travel restrictions on Cubans will be lifted on January 14th of next year.

Maybe that’s so but we’ll wait until then to know if the Caribbean Communist government is serious.

A lot of it could depend on who is elected President of the United States next month.

If Barack Obama is re-elected, the restrictions will likely be lifted. If Gov. Mitt Romney is elected, those restrictions might not be.

This is our opinion, of course. And here is why.

Remember Cuba’s dictator Fidel Castro first imposed those restrictions in 1959.

And according to Granma, the action was necessary because of what Castro called an illegal economic blockade imposed by the United States.

In our view, if Obama is elected he might drop the blockade as a part of a larger plan to move America further to the left politically.

If Romney is elected, he might keep the blockade as part of a larger plan to move America further to the right to correct our nation’s failing economy.

We talk about these matters because of our interest in the Caribbean, Latin American and its extension to other parts of the world.

As a result, we have six novels backing up the point and they can be found quickly. To find them, click News Center Publications after reaching the Web address ‘’ Once there click:

This Caribbean Memo and a Memo collection can also be found on the same site by clicking Caribbean Memo.

With each purchase, let us know and we'll send free of charge an e-book version. They can be read on any hand-held device with e-mail capability.

Remember, we are interested in your comments, pro and con. In other words, that's how we learn.

And please let us know if you want your name taken off the Caribbean Memo list.

The Editors

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